Wise Wonder Upper West Side

167 W. 81st Street

We chose the Upper West Side when we first opened Wise Wonder because this neighborhood is as family-friendly as you can get. Central Park and Riverside Park ensure you don’t need a backyard, and the American Museum of Natural History and Lincoln Center provide plenty of culture. Wise Wonder is conveniently located near the 81st Street subway station via the B or C train and the 79th Street station via the 1 train. We offer our reading enrichment classes during the school year and a fun, educational summer program - learn more!

Please note - Schedule is updated at the start of each month. We offer rolling enrollment unless the class is full. Please contact us to see if we can accommodate any scheduling conflicts.


*Please view the FAQ below for common enrollment queries 


Happy Reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wise Wonder Enrichment?

Wise Wonder is a unique literacy program for children ages 6 months - 10 years of age. We teach children the literacy skills they need to feel confident to read and understand every book they pick off the shelf. Since 2012, we’ve served thousands of children to do just that; so that they can feel confident in the classroom and be inspired to keep learning!

How many children will be in my child's enrichment class?

Wise Wonder classes have always been small group, to ensure our students are receiving individualized attention from the teacher.  Our student to teacher ratio is 6:1.  The maximum number of students in our tiered learning classes is six students.  Our Big Hoots will be a ratio of 3:1.

What if I miss a class?

We believe that consistency is key when it comes to learning; however, we understand that your child may need to miss a class from time to time. We will accommodate one makeup per semester for illness only.  This will be scheduled at the end of the semester.  If you miss a class for another reason, we are happy to send home your child's folder so they can complete it at home!

How do we find the right class for your child | Our age criteria defined:

The Wise Wonder Curriculum was created with children’s key developmental milestones in mind. Each tier is built based on a child’s age in months at the start of the school year, and to progress to the next tier, they must build the foundations from the previous tier.

 A full-year enrollment is key for the curriculum to be most effective, but as some families join us mid-year, we offer the tier based on the start of the school year, so that they will be with peers in a similar age bracket (typically grouped within 6 months) so that they are all developmentally working on the same milestones. During the spring semester, we begin to introduce materials from the next tier, and we want to make sure that your child can build their confidence, and become familiar with the materials at a comfortable pace, without feeling overwhelmed.


Do you offer weekend classes?

Wise Wonder classes typically meet Monday-Friday between 9am and 6pm. We are excited to offer limited weekend classes this September for our Park Slope studio! Please email parkslope@wisewonder.com for more information.

The lounge at Wise Wonder upper west side
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