We’re always on the hunt for fun and unique tools to assist with developing literacy skills. Everything we have at Wise Wonder – from our pencils to toys – are to reinforce fine motor skills, handwriting ability, and more. So you can imagine how excited we were to find chalkboard blocks.

These blocks work for everything. We have started to implement them into our curriculum, and they have become an incredibly fun addition.
These chalkboard blocks are useful for a whole variety of skills, including handwriting, reading, word building and recognition, and spelling. They can also be used to introduce certain patterns and games that assist with higher level thinking and reasoning capabilities.

One use that has become a favorite of our students: making our own puzzles! Kids can draw pieces of pictures on each block, mix them up, and piece them back together themselves. Puzzles are a classic, and having the kids make the puzzles themselves adds an extra layer to the fun that they can’t get enough of.

These blocks have become a staple in our classroom. We can’t wait to see what else we can build and create together!
What are your favorite classroom tools? We’re always looking for innovative ways to enhance each child’s learning experience. 🙂
Have a great weekend!