Happy November!
We’re already two months into the school year! The holidays are right around the corner, and we’re gearing up here at Wise Wonder. This really is the most wonderful time of the year!
As we settle into our classes and the little ones get adjusted to the curriculum, we begin taking note of each child’s learning styles and abilities. One thing we focus on with all of our age groups is pencil grip. Making sure a child has the proper grip is important from an early age, so that bad habits don’t become implemented into their routines.
As a literacy enrichment program, one of Wise Wonder’s main goals is to prepare children for handwriting and reading. We start introducing the tools and activities needed for these skills to our Lil’ Hoots, and begin adding more in-depth exercises as they progress to our higher tiers. Our children work through the different stages of gripping at their own pace, with constant encouragement from their teachers.
We use a wide variety of writing utensils to expose our students to different widths and sizes. Size affects their grip, as well as their advancement throughout the appropriate stages. We assist them if they are having trouble finding the most comfortable grip. We have used clothespins in the past to assist with gripping, but we recently used our knowledge and resources to come up with the Gator Grip.

The Gator Grip works as a regular grip does, but is sleeker and more secure for children of all ages. The Gator Grip is designed to naturally fit a child’s hands and fingers into the proper grip. With an elongated form (made to look like – what else? – an alligator), the Gator Grip ensures that a child almost automatically clutches their writing utensil using proper form. We also sometimes add smiley faces to their writing utensils, as another reminder of just where their fingers should be placed.
There are so many ways to keep children excited about learning. Introducing new techniques or fun, innovative assignments will have them progressing without even realizing it. Learning can and should be fun, and we pride ourselves on accomplishing that feat!
For more information about the Gator Grip, feel free to send us an email! We’d love to assist your child in their fine motor and handwriting development – hello@booknooknyc.com 🙂
Happy writing!